You have been redirected here after trying to visit the AWS
Self-Service application. We have begun to sunset the old app and
started to route users to this app (DASL) instead.
a new service that also allows you to procure AWS infrastructure via
stacks, store your files in a personal cloud server and share files
externally in multiple regions. As well as that, we are introducing
some new features too;
DASL continues to be worked on throughout 2023 so please be patient if
any features are not working as expected or have yet to arrive. More
is on the way!
Regarding any data or stacks you may have
running in AWS Self-Service, or if you have any questions, please
reach out to the DASL team at the #ont-dasl-user-group on Slack.
If you do not have access to DASL yet, please submit a
Zendesk ticket to request access to the ont-dasl-self-service active
directory group.